A Sky Beyond the Storm (An Ember in the Ashes Book 4) (English Edition)
- Autore
- Sabaa Tahir
- Pubblicazione
- 01/12/2020
- Valutazione
- 1
- Categorie
Picking up just a few months after A Reaper at the Gates left off...
The long-imprisoned jinn are on the attack, wreaking bloody havoc in villages and cities alike. But for the Nightbringer, vengeance on his human foes is just the beginning.
By his side, Commandant Keris Veturia declares herself Empress, and calls for the heads of any and all who defy her rule. At the top of the list? The Blood Shrike and her remaining family.
Laia of Serra, now allied with the Blood Shrike, struggles to recover from the loss of the two people most important to her. Determined to stop the approaching apocalypse, she throws herself into the destruction of the Nightbringer. In the process, she awakens an ancient power that could lead her to victory--or to an unimaginable doom.
And deep in the Waiting Place, the Soul Catcher seeks only to forget the life--and love--he left behind. Yet doing so means ignoring the trail of murder left by the Nightbringer and his jinn. To uphold his oath and protect the human world from the supernatural, the Soul Catcher must look beyond the borders of his own land. He must take on a mission that could save--or destroy--all that he knows.
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A Sky Beyond the Storm — Eien Café
Devo dire che nonostante non mi sia piaciuta al 100%, consiglierei la serie. È un buon passatempo, anche troppo visto la mole dell’ultimo libro e non tutto è prettamente negativo. Se solo l’autrice avesse tralasciato alcune cose sarebbe stato molto meglio. Leggi tutta la recensione
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