World of Warcraft: Legion (Italian) #4

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World of Warcraft: Legion (Italian) #4
Robert Brooks

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Altri libri di Robert Brooks

World of Warcraft: Legion (Italian) #3

World of Warcraft: Legion (Italian) #3 di Robert Brooks

As the Burning Legion advances across the land, tauren chieftains gather for a momentous summit. An ancient artifact, the mystic Hammer of Khaz’goroth, may hold the power to protect their territory, but will its magic corrupt all who touch it?

Overwatch (Italian) #2

Overwatch (Italian) #2 di Robert Brooks

Justice will be done. “Dragon Slayer,” the second in our series of free digital comics, chronicles an adventure of Overwatch’s knight of a bygone age, Reinhardt. An old soul who’s spent most of his life on the battlefield, Reinhardt tirelessly continues his noble quest to fight for justice. When Reinhardt comes across a village that’s being threatened by a ...

Overwatch (Italian) #14

Overwatch (Italian) #14 di Robert Brooks

Le recensioni dei clienti, comprese le valutazioni a stelle dei prodotti, aiutano i clienti ad avere maggiori informazioni sul prodotto e a decidere se è il prodotto giusto per loro. Per calcolare la valutazione complessiva e la ripartizione percentuale per stella, non usiamo una media semplice. Piuttosto, il nostro sistema considera cose come quanto è recente una recensione e ...

Overwatch (Italian) #3

Overwatch (Italian) #3 di Robert Brooks

Omnic terrorists have taken over a warehouse in Sydney. There are only two people capable of resolving this crisis. But they weren't available, so Junkrat and Roadhog will have to do.

Overwatch (Italian) #1

Overwatch (Italian) #1 di Robert Brooks Dark Horse

Justice aint gonna dispense itself. It's high noon as McCree takes center stage in Train Hopper, the first in a series of free digital comic shorts that further illuminate the characters and world of Overwatch. Train Hopper follows a day in the life of gunslinging outlaw Jesse McCree, the former Blackwatch operative who metes out his own brand of vigilante justice. In Train Hopper, McCree ...