Crows make their nest in March: a lockdown springtime (English Edition)

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Crows make their nest in March: a lockdown springtime (English Edition)
Nicoletta Gassler Nicoletta Gassler
Mira, a seventeen year old girl, the only daughter of Marina and Giorgio; passionate about reading, attached to her French grandmother and her colourful afternoons, which she spends enjoying macarons with her friends, she is overwhelmed by the epidemic that disrupts her habits and everything that made her happy until now. Remembering the days at the lake, where she felt like a 14-year-old girl alive, in the company of Jamie, her age, handsome and the son of her mother's Danish friend who is a photojournalist, she decides to find him in order to reconnect with a relationship that could prove intense and profound. During the search, a letter arrives that will upset Mira's life, the thin thread of a balance already put to the test by the restrictions of the period in which both she and her family are forced to live, is broken and she will have to face a completely different reality.

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Altri libri di Nicoletta Gassler

Sweet as the evening goes by : Dolce come la sera

Sweet as the evening goes by : Dolce come la sera di Nicoletta Gassler Nicoletta Gassler

A story about one woman's journey that could be undertaken by any other woman, because it is a trying to stay afloat with all the strength without the possibility of succeeding. There are the usual ironic overtones that can lead us to laugh as we wipe away tears. Family ties, finally have the power to always redeem us, trying in every way to never let go, no matter what may happen to us and why.

I corvi fanno il nido in marzo: Una primavera da Lockdowm

I corvi fanno il nido in marzo: Una primavera da Lockdowm di Nicoletta Gassler Nicoletta Gassler

Mira, è una ragazzina di diciassette anni, figlia unica di Marina e Giorgio; appassionata di lettura, attaccata ad una nonna francese ed ai suoi pomeriggi colorati, che trascorre gustando macarons assieme alle sue amiche, viene travolta dall’epidemia che le sconvolge le abitudini e tutto ciò che finora la rendeva felice. Ricordando dei giorni al lago, dove si è sentita una quattordicenne ...