Zero Down Internet Business: Online Business Ideas You Can Start Without Any Huge Capital – Starting a Blog and Creating an Ecommerce Store (English Edition)

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Zero Down Internet Business: Online Business Ideas You Can Start Without Any Huge Capital – Starting a Blog and Creating an Ecommerce Store (English Edition)
Troy Sanchez
So who wants to start a self-sustaining internet business and earn money at home?

Today, you can learn to make your dreams of working for yourself come true.

Start working at home and start creating your own destiny.

Here's a preview of what you will uncover inside:

Blogging Manifesto
- How to choose the best topics to target for your blog
- Why having this "one thing" on your niche will pretty much guarantee your longevity in a certain marketing
- The exact niches I recommend that you target if you're just getting started
- How to narrow down a market so you'll get higher quality visitors from your blog
- How to create a WordPress blog from registering your domain name to installing WordPress and making sure that all settings are correct
- The WP PLUGINS to install for every site you create
- The art of creating a blog posts that gets rabid fans and future buyers who trust you and love you
- Examples of blog posts to study
- The exact map to follow for creating a winning blog post
- How to use cheap SEO backlinks to get free Google rankings fast on your articles
- How to monetize your blog so you can earn as much money as possible while NOT alienating your loyal followers
- The 4 types of "products" that you can easily sell more good profit margins

No Money Down Ecommerce
- The best way to find the perfect product to sell online
- A simple 5 part guideline that will help you choose a product and almost guarantee that it'll sell
- How to create a free website via wordpress platform
- How to set up your payment option system
- How to drive free traffic from Youtube and Facebook Fan Page
- How to run promos and sell products without really selling it! I know, confusing but this is genius! It'll allow you to sell more products without trying really hard!
- How to fulfill your products, stress free!

You only really got 2 choices. You can choose to do this all by yourself, lose money and make many mistakes along the way. Or you can choose to invest a few dollars today and do it right from the very start.

The choice is yours... and yours only to make.


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