I Love Dick: The cult feminist novel, now an Amazon Prime Video series starring Kevin Bacon

When Chris Kraus, an unsuccessful artist pushing 40, spends an evening with a rogue academic named Dick, she falls madly and inexplicably in love, enlisting her husband in her haunted pursuit. Dick proposes a kind of game between them, but when he fails to answer their letters Chris continues alone, transforming an adolescent infatuation into a new form of philosophy.

Blurring the lines of fiction, essay and memoir, Chris Kraus's novel was a literary sensation when it was first published in 1997. Widely considered to be the most important feminist novel of the past two decades, I Love Dick is still essential reading; as relevant, fierce and funny as ever.

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I love DickMangialibri

3 dicembre 1994. Chris Kraus, filmmaker sperimentale trentanovenne, è in un sushi bar di Pasadena. Ascolta suo marito Sylvère, docente universitario, che discute di teoria critica postmoderna con Dick, critico culturale suo conoscente. Non osa inserirsi nel discorso: non è un’intellettuale e in fondo nessuno si aspetta mai granché da lei. Dick sembra cercare con insistenza il Leggi tutta la recensione

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Altri libri di Chris Kraus

Figli della furia

Figli della furia di Chris Kraus