Bound by the Fang: M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance (Black River Pack Book 1) (English Edition)

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Bound by the Fang: M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance (Black River Pack Book 1) (English Edition)
Kellan Larkin
Omega Rian doesn't want to get married—not to an Alpha, anyway. Everyone knows they have... strange desires, and Rian's scared. But the Black River Pack is besieged on all sides by enemies, and the Council wants him to get married... now. When he's paired with Taryn, his life will be changed forever.

Taryn doesn't want to get saddled with an Omega when he's too busy trying out for the Alpha Guard, the pack's prestigious warriors. It's been his dream to follow in his father's footsteps ever since he was small. But it's not up to him, and he's paired with Rian.

When Taryn fails his Guard tryouts and Rian learns he's infertile, it seems like life is just getting worse for the brash Alpha and his reluctant Omega. The pair has to learn to work together to get through it all—and will Rian ever learn about his own desires?

Bound by the Fang is a m/m gay shifter mpreg novella with a HEA. No cheating, no cliffhangers. Each book in the Black River Pack series focuses on a different couple while expanding the overarching plot. They can be enjoyed alone, but it is recommended to read the series in order.

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Black RiverMangialibri

Oggi è un giorno felice, nonostante tutto. Il gruppo di sopravvissuti – sette donne, un uomo e un cane – guidato dalla ombrosa Seka ha trovato un magazzino pieno di scatole di sardine, bottiglie d’acqua minerale e calzini puliti. Ci sono pure due cose ancora più preziose: armi con le munizioni e qualche bottiglia di liquore. Una bella sbronza attorno al fuoco urlando in coro Leggi tutta la recensione

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