Il mio bastardo preferito

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Il mio bastardo preferito
Vi Keeland
Newton Compton Editori
Ranked # 1 in the New York Times New York Times best
seller.  Bastard  writers to the hilt
Can you choose between money and love? You are already thinking about this is an easy decision. For me it is not at all. We are talking about a boat here, did I mention it? Here it is. I needed to be on my own. I know, I made an impulsive decision: I left and at the airport I met Carter, by chance. But he thought I would never see him again. Instead ... he was the pilot of my flight. I was pushing him away, although I was sure he would hurt me, I didn't push him away. Maybe you want to make him put his head right. I was not realizing that he made me fly the risk of falling was high. Until I realized I couldn't go back.
Fasten your seat belts You are about
to embark on the most exciting and romantic journey of your life

, "Carter Clynes is definitely my favorite bastard." 
"Take flight with Kendall and Carter, you won't regret it." "Sweet and spicy reading. You won ' t be able to stop until you get to the end. "

Penelope Ward is a bestselling author of the "New York Times", "usa Today" and the "Wall Street Journal". She grew up in Boston and worked as a journalist before becoming a writer.

With millions of books sold, Vi Keeland
has established herself as one of the most successful authors of the generation and her novels. Her books have hit # 1 on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestseller lists. 

After the great success of Bastardo to the end and A perfect bastard
, they return to writing together.

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