Il Sinesteta: Ta Panta Nus / The Synesthete: Ta Panta Nus

The third and last story on the Synesthete is an unique history (the other two novels are short episodes intertwined by the different characters). The author frees all the ghosts of his nightmares. The Antichrist weaves his deadly plot to return to be the Archangel (Lucifer) glowing of the evil. The little Giovanna, just as she is to be adopted (from Claudia and Andrea) is kidnapped. The Commissioner Claudia Marino is ready to sacrifice her life to save the kid. Giosué and his wife are going to be killed by a gang of swindlers whom have stolen in their home. And while the stranger Pope is going to be murdered to yield his place to the prophet of Satan, Cardinal Zanzo (realizing that he had sold his soul to the devil) terminates his existence. This was followed by a long chain of deaths supernatural, inexplicable to human logic. The Synesthete is losing his last battle against the evil and he is going to succumb. God seems to have forgotten his beloved creature, but at the end....'Everything is Spirit' (Ta Panta Nus).

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Altri libri di Michele Pisculli

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